
Image depicting benefits of argan oil for skin

Do You Know What the 11 Amazing Health Benefits of Argan Oil for the Skin Are?

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You have seen argan oil while browsing beauty products at drugstores and markets. This oil is honey-colored and its origin is the Moroccan plant. It moisturizes your skin and hair well.

Argan oil is a major product in many beauty practices. You likely have products on your bathroom shelf that use argan oil as the primary ingredient. But what do you know about this major beauty oil?

If you are in search of argan oil, this blog will help you to know what is argan oil, its contents and what are the benefits of argan oil for your skin

What is Argan oil?

Argan oil, also called “liquid gold,” is a very moisturizing and nourishing oil. The origin of this oil is the Moroccan argan tree. It is rich in antioxidants like vitamin E, squalene, and fatty acids that are essential for your skin and hair. Argan oil is reasonable price oil due to its golden color, nutty scent, and pleasant looks and smell. It feels luxurious on your skin and hair.

Although native to Morocco, it is now used globally. In the traditional method, the argan fruit’s thick peel and pulp are removed before cracking the nut. This is the oil-rich kernel. The kernels are then ground and pressed to extract pure, unfiltered argan oil. It is then decanted and filtered to yield a more consistent and precise oil. This oil can penetrate the skin barrier very well to boost moisture.

Argan oil is rich in the following compounds:

  • Vitamin A and C
  • Tocopherols (vitamin E)- natural antioxidants
  • Omega-6 fatty acids, particularly linoleic and oleic acid
  • Melatonin and plant sterols- natural antioxidants.

What Are the Benefits of Argan Oil for the Skin?

  1. Moisturize Your Skin

Argan oil provides a boost of hydration for your skin. Vitamin E, a fat-soluble antioxidant present in argan oil, helps the skin keep its water content. Especially, if you have dry skin, this silky oil can give you much-needed moisture. Furthermore, it is a common moisturizer seen in soaps, lotions, and conditioners.

It can be used as a topical administration or taken by mouth with daily supplements to get results. To help seal in hydration, it is best to add a few drops of argan oil to your daily moisturizer. But ensure that your oil is free of fragrance and preservatives.

  1. Anti-aging by Reducing Wrinkle Appearance

This super nourishing oil can help your skin look younger. With aging, your skin loses its collagen and thereby its elasticity. As a result, wrinkles appear on your skin. If you add argan oil to your routine, you can notice an improvement in the elasticity of the skin.

A recent study showed that combining oral and cosmetic argan oil can improve your skin

Regular intake of oral supplements or direct application of argan oil can be chosen.

  1. Wound Healing

The well-combined vitamin E and antioxidants can heal your wounds much faster. Animal studies have shown that the application of argan oil on a regular basis will heal your burns fast. But human trials still need approval. the well-combined vitamin E and antioxidants can heal your wounds much faster.

  1. Protects from sun damage

Moroccan women have been using argan oil for sun protection since the 1980s. Later studies have proved that argan oil can protect the skin from free radical damage caused by the sun. Also, it prevents burns and hyperpigmentation. As a result, it can aid in the prevention of risk factors for cancer and skin conditions such as melanoma.

To get these benefits, you can apply argan oil on a topical or take it by mouth.

  1. Treats Various Skin Conditions and Infections

Argan oil has many healing qualities, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Thus, it can help in curing various skin inflammations like psoriasis and rosacea. Additionally, it aids in the natural relief of dermatitis and eczema symptoms.

Vitamin E and its natural anti-inflammatory properties help to soothe your skin. It reduces inflammation and helps the skin to repair more quickly. Anti-bacterial and fungicidal properties help treat various skin infections.

For best results, apply pure argan oil to the affected area of your skin. Rosacea may be best treated through oral supplements.

  1. Treats Acne

Pure argan oil is good to treat hormonal acne brought on by excessive sebum production. Argan oil’s anti-sebum property controls the amount of sebum in the skin. This in turn controls new breakouts. Thus, you can get calm and smoother skin.

Apply argan oil or face creams containing it direct to your skin at least twice daily for best results. You can see visible results after four weeks of use.

  1. Soothes Atopic Dermatitis

A common skin condition called atopic dermatitis has symptoms like itchy, red skin. Research has proven that argan oil can treat dermatitis. Vitamin E and its anti-inflammatory properties provide soothing skin.

  1. Reduces the Oiliness of skin

Anti-sebum properties of argan oil help reduce the amount of oil secreted by our skin. It is a game changer for those with oily skin.

For best results, apply a cream containing argan oil twice daily.

  1. Treats Dark Spot and Scars 

Argan oil may help to lighten spots and give you more even skin if you have hyperpigmentation. It can also treat brown spots brought on by hormones, ageing, or years of sun exposure. Tocopherol present in argan oil can inhibit the production of excess melanin pigments. Thereby, it promotes cell regeneration by preventing the buildup of free radicals. Apply daily for best results.

  1. Treatment for Dry Skin 

The presence of vitamin E, oleic acid, and linolenic acid can moisturize your dry skin deeper. Unlike lotions, argan oil heals dry skin from the inside. Thus it gives a healthy, smooth texture and appearance.

  1. Cleanse Your Skin

A study has proven that topical use of argan oil twice daily for four weeks can reduce sebum production. Dabb some argan oil on a fresh cotton pad or reusable cotton round. Then wipe it all over your face before washing it off. This will give you smooth skin.

Final word

Whether used topically or ingested orally, argan oil is safe for most people. It has powerful benefits for your skin due to its healing properties and the vitamins present in it. It is beneficial in the treatment of atopic dermatitis as well as in the treatment of acne. If you have been using argan oil for weeks and cannot see any results, consult a dermatologist.

The consumption of argan oil is done only under medical supervision. You should speak to your doctor or dermatologist before starting any new routine. If you are taking any medications and notice any reactions, you should stop using them.


1. What Does Argan Oil Do for the Skin?

Argan oil is a middle-of-the-road oil, meaning it is neither too heavy nor too light. Thus, it is perfect for all skin types. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, and linoleic acid. All these moisturize your skin deeper and make it softer. It also protects from harmful UV rays. This helps to reduce acne scars and stretch marks.

2. Will Argan Oil Clog Pores?

Unlike certain comedogenic (pore-clogging) oils like olive oil and coconut oil, argan oil has a lower risk of clogging your pores. Argan oil has a zero rating on the comedogenicity rating scale. If your skin is sensitive to a particular ingredient, it may get clogged easier.

3. Can Argan Oil Help With Acne?

Oils are occlusives, i.e., they act as a barrier to lock in the moisture of the skin. So it is always good to use oil on damp skin. This can help trap all the water in your pores without letting them evaporate.

4. Is argan Oil Good for Psoriasis?

Yes, argan oil can improve psoriasis, as it is both anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. Argan oil can reduce redness, dryness, swelling, and itchiness. Argan oil’s hydrating effect can make your skin feel better. Vitamin E is the key ingredient in argan oil, which makes it healthier. Squalene found in argan oil acts as a lubricant.

5. How Long Does It Take for Argan Oil to Work?

It takes about 4 weeks to see a visible result in your skin. Applying argan oil or argan oil-based creams twice a day for four weeks can give you good results. You should not stop immediately if you are not seeing any changes. You should wait at least 4 weeks to get visible changes. Argan oil is effective in firming skin and improving elasticity. It also minimizes fine lines and wrinkles and thus improves the elasticity of your skin.

6. How to use argan oil on face benefits?

Using argan oil on your face provides many benefits, like

  1. Moisturizing: The fatty acids in argan oil make your skin feel softer and look more youthful. It also helps in nourishing and moisturizing the beards and mustaches.
  2. Soothing: The itchy and inflamed skin will get soothed by the argan oil, as it has anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effects.
  3. Wound Healing: The anti-inflammatory activity of argan oil contributes well to wound healing.
  4. Providing a Healthy Skin Barrier: This oil can provide support for the skin barrier, especially for people with eczema, rosacea, or psoriasis.
  5. Reduce the skin oil: The argan oil will help you balance the production of oil on your skin, making it best for people with oily or acne-prone skin.

Use of Argan Oil on Face

  1. After cleansing your face, apply a few drops of argan oil. If you have a habit of applying serum to your face, you have to apply it before applying the argan oil.
  2. You can add a few drops of argan oil to your favourite face cream for an extra nourishing effect.
  3. For cleansing your face with argan oil you can take a quarter of the amount in your palm and massage it onto your face. It will help you remove makeup, skincare products as well as excess sebum. You have to rinse your face thoroughly after applying argan oil to it.

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